As Dabble’s betting services are designed to appeal to people over the age of 18, we are committed to protecting any minors by actively taking steps to ensure minors don’t access any of our platforms. Dabble will not allow any minors to open an account, or place a bet, through any of the Dabble Platforms.
Dabble recommends following the tips below to help protect minors.
Keep your mobile phone out of reach, and place a biometric security lock on it if possible such as FaceID.
Keep your usernames, passwords and debit cards out of reach.
Be sure to always log out of your Dabble account to prevent access.
Install website blocking software, which allows you to control and block access to gambling websites both on PC and mobile. More information is available on this site or visit Stay Smart Online.
Educate your children about the legality and potential damage of underage gambling.
The NSW Office of Responsible Gambling has some good resources for educating your children about gambling: see Youth Education - Office of Responsible Gambling (
The Victorian Responsible Gambling Foundation also has published resources to assist parents: see