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Dabble Product Terms and Conditions
Updated over a month ago

This is v1.1 of our Product Terms and Conditions. This was last updated on the 27th of May 2024.

These rules (the ‘Product & Features Terms and Conditions’) are incorporated into and form part of the Dabble General Rules, Terms & Conditions.

1.1 Group Chat

1.1.1 “Chats” is a feature that allows Dabble customers to create a private group, by inviting friends, and followers to become Members of their Chat.

1.1.2 Chats allows Members to message each other about their bets, see and copy each other’s bets, and view each other’s bets once they are placed.

1.1.3 All Chats are governed by the Dabble Rules, Terms and Conditions (Rules) and these Terms and Conditions.

1.1.4 Chats is only available to customers with a valid active Dabble account.

1.1.5 Capitalised terms used in these Terms and Conditions have the meaning given to them in the Rules unless otherwise defined below.

1.2 Chat social contract

1.2.1 It is the responsibility of the Chats Admin and its Members to adhere to the Dabble Community Guidelines, and the Dabble Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy. Please note Chats is intended for private messages, which remain confidential and accessible only to the intended recipients of the group. Regardless, all messages must remain lawful and respectful. (“Social Contract”). By using the Chats feature, all Members acknowledge and agree that Dabble may collect, store, or use data to monitor usage of Chats, and will take action to address inappropriate behaviour and content if required. It is the Chats Admin and Members responsibility to abide by the Social Contract in relation to Chats. The Chat Member(s) expressly acknowledge they have no recourse against Dabble nor the Northern Territory Racing Commission (and neither Dabble nor the Northern Territory Racing Commission will entertain or consider any complaint or dispute) in relation to any conduct by a Member of a Chat which may be in breach of a Social Contract including, without limitation, posting unauthorised, illegal, unlawful, illicit content, trolling, spamming or harassing other Members of the Chat. For the avoidance of any doubt, this condition 6 will apply whether a Member has agreed to any Social Contract or not.

1.3 Chat Creation

1.3.1 To create a Chat, customers navigate to the Banter, tap + New Chat and create a Chat name and description for the Chat.

1.3.2 Simply select and invite friends or other Dabblers that are following you.

1.4 Invitations and Joining

1.4.1 To join a Chat, you must accept the invite. Unless mutually followed, customers will need to Accept the Invite.

1.4.2 Admins can invite friends who don’t have a Dabble account.

1.4.3 Minimum people in a Chat can be 1 (just yourself).

1.4.4 Maximum 21 people per chat (Admin + 20).

1.4.5 Maximum 30 chats per person.

1.4.6 While Dabble provides the platform to join Chats, an individual is not obliged to accept an invitation to join a Chat and/or sign up to Dabble.

1.5 Members

1.5.1 Once they’ve joined a Chat, all Members can see and copy each other’s bets within the Bets part of the Chats feature. Bets can be filtered by Pending, Won, Last 20 bets from the group.

1.5.2 Members are not obliged to bet or do any other act in connection with their participation in the Chat.

1.5.3 Members can chat, send images, and mute Chats if they don’t want to receive notifications.

1.6 Exiting the Chat

1.6.1 Members can leave the Chat any time.

1.6.2 If a Member exits the Chat, they acknowledge and accept that they will no longer be able to: participate in the Chat or view any of the previous activity within the Chat (including bets, or messages, or images.); or view any bets members of the Chat make in the future, and that bets placed during their time in the Chat may still be visible to remaining Chat members.

1.6.3 Upon a short break being applied to a Member’s personal Dabble account, they will still remain within the Chat but will not receive notifications.

1.6.4 Upon a long break or permanent exclusion being applied to a Member’s personal Dabble account, they will automatically exit the Chat, and will not receive notifications.

1.6.5 A customer can unfollow someone to stop them from inviting them to a Chat.

1.7 Chat Rules & Community Guidelines

1.7.1 Content that Dabble will not allow on platform and therefore will result in the content being removed includes:

Violence and criminal behaviour

  • Violence & Incitement

  • Dangerous individuals and organisations

  • Coordinating harm and promoting crime

  • Restricted goods and services

  • Fraud and deception


  • Suicide and self-injury

  • Explicit content

  • Child sexual exploitation and abuse

  • Adult sexual exploitation

  • Bullying and harassment

  • Any form of disrespectful behaviour promoting or causing physical, financial, or other harm to people, businesses, or animals

  • Human exploitation

  • Privacy Violations

Objectionable Content

  • Hate speech

  • Violent and graphic content

  • Sexual solicitation

  • Discrimination, or harm towards individuals or groups based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, or any other protected characteristic.

Integrity and authenticity

  • Spam or Self-promotion

  • Confusing, deceptive, fraudulent, misleading, communications.

  • Promotion of any type of service or commercial activities is prohibited.

  • Cybersecurity

  • Misinformation

1.7.2 When accessing and/or using Chat, you agree that you will not: (a) use Chat for fraudulent or abusive purposes; (b) use Chat in violation of any applicable law, regulation, or requirement, and/or the intellectual property, privacy, or similar rights of us or any other person; or (c) otherwise take any action that you know or reasonably should know is improper, unfair, fraudulent, or otherwise adverse to the operation of Dabble or in any way detrimental to other customers.(c) use Chat to collude with any other individual(s) in an attempt to circumvent these Terms; (d) Use Chat for any commercial or business purpose or for the benefit of any third-party or to send unsolicited communications; or Violate any portion of these Terms.

1.7.3 If we have reason to suspect or learn that you are violating these Terms, we may investigate, prohibit all current or future use of Chat by you.

1.7.4 You further agree not to upload, communicate, transmit or otherwise make available any User Content: (a) that is or could reasonably be viewed as unlawful, harmful, harassing, defamatory, libelous, obscene or otherwise objectionable; (b) that is or could be viewed as invasive of another's privacy; (c) that is likely to, or could reasonably be viewed as likely to incite violence or racial or ethnic hatred; (d) which you do not have a right to make available lawfully (such as inside information, information which belongs to someone else or confidential information); (e) which infringes any intellectual property right or other proprietary right of others; or (f) which consists of any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, 'junk mail', 'spam', 'chain letters', 'pyramid schemes' or any other form of solicitation.

1.7.5 Dabble reserves the right in our sole discretion to close any Chats that have Chat names that do not comply with the Community Guidelines.

1.7.6 If there are repeated offences in the same chat group, we reserve the right to remove the relevant customer from the Chat or in some cases Dabble have the right to close the Chat at any time.

1.7.7 Customers should not publish PII data such as email address, date of birth, last name, first name, address, phone number, debit or payment credentials etc. in the Chat feature.

1.7.8 Customers should not share or ask people to share debit card numbers, bank account details, personal ID card numbers, or other sensitive identifiers. This includes sensitive data such as passwords, or health related data.

1.8 Reservation of Rights

1.8.1 Dabble reserves the right to remove Members and/or an Admin from a Chat at any time for any reason without notice or explanation.

1.8.2 Dabble reserves the right to close any Chats that have Chat names that do not comply with the Community Guidelines.

1.8.3 Dabble reserves the right to close any Chat any time for any reason without notice or explanation. However, you acknowledge that we do not have an obligation to actively monitor Chat content and we make no undertaking to do so.

1.8.4 Dabble reserves the right to determine that a Chat is ineligible to receive promotions or generosity.

1.8.5 Dabble reserves the right to prohibit an individual from joining or participating in a Chat at any time for any reason without notice or explanation.

1.8.6 Dabble reserves the right to, in our sole discretion, but no obligation or duty, to monitor, review, edit, remove, delete, disable, refuse, restrict, and/or terminate access to the Chat feature (in whole or in part) at any time, without prior notice and in our sole discretion, for any or no reason.

1.8.7 Dabble reserves the right to share a Chat name and activity for marketing purposes.

1.8.8 An individual’s ability to join a Chat is not guaranteed and will depend upon their circumstances and Dabble account settings (if a customer).

1.9 Privacy

1.9.1 Dabble cannot provide information about other Member's personal Dabble accounts.

1.9.2 Dabble cannot provide information about any activity of a Chat after a Member has exited the Chat.

1.9.3 An admin (not Dabble) is responsible for sending an invitation to join a Chat to any individual.

1.9.4 Dabble will otherwise operate and manage the Chat feature in accordance with its Privacy Policy.

1.10 Defined Terms

1.10.1 Capitalised terms used in these Terms and Conditions have the meaning given to them in the Rules unless otherwise defined below:

- Admin means an administrator of the Chat;

- Chat means the social group created by the Admin within the Dabble Chat feature.

- Member means any person who becomes a member of a Chat, including Members and Admins;

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